When using this website cookies will be passed to your machine, mostly to allow the site to function correctly, though there is also analytics data collected. This site runs on the Squarespace platform so I do not have direct control over which cookies are used. Here is information that Squarespace provide about the cookies used on their platform, though not all of it is relevant to this website as there is no sales component to this site and very little customer data is collected:
Data privacy and GDPR
Other than the analytics data captured by the cookies, the only data of yours that I will obtain is anything that you send to me via any contact method including using the standard contact form, using the sign up to the mailing list form, sending an email directly or contacting me over the phone.
If you sign up to the mailing list then I will securely store the details provided by yourself to occasionally send out information updates. If you wish to be removed from this list at any point then you should email me requesting this to happen and I will ensure you are not sent any more of the regular updates.
If you contact me via the contact form or send a message directly to me email address, your email address will immediately be stored in the history of my email system which is handled by Google, and potentially other internet services. Also the contents of any emails will also be stored on Google’s servers and possibly other internet services. I am unable to guarantee that I have any control over what happens with this data so can not accept responsibility over it. Unless you request otherwise, I would generally file any email correspondence and leave it in the email system in case it is useful for future correspondence with yourself. I might also take local backups of this data to be stored securely.
If you contact me via the phone or send me your phone details so I can call you, your phone number will be stored on my mobile phone and will also be logged by my phone network. I have no control over whatever any telephone providers will do with my contact numbers. I might also take a back of your name and phone number and store it securely.
If I have ongoing corresponce with you or carry out work either at a distance on in person then I am likely to collect various extra pieces of data. Any work carried out will be logged including details or your equipment, any parts provided and what I needed to do to complete the job. If I visit then I will need your address details and even if I do not visit then I might still ask for these to complete an invoice. Any data of yours I do collect will be stored by myself as securely as reasonably possible. I am likely to keep local backups and also likely to use secure cloud storage options. Your name, address,telephone number and sales details will be stored into my accounting system with is an online cloud service. Once this has been entered into this system then I may not have control over what happens to that data.
If I am ever aware of a breach where I believe it is possible that customer records have been unexpectedly made available to other parties then I will attempt to contact any affected customers to inform them.
I would usually only contact customers in the following circumstances:
If I have been recently requested by yourself or somebody you know to contact you
If there is an ongoing matter I have been dealing with for you
If new information becomes available after a job or previous end of communications that I think will be useful to yourself
If you have signed up to the mailing list
If I think there has been a breach of data I have stored regarding yourself
I will never intentionally share any personal information or data of yours with third-parties with the exception of the internet and telephone services mentioned above.
If you ever want to know what data of yours I have stored then please contact me by phone or email. If you would ever like to attempt to purge all the data I have of yours then please contact me by phone or email. It may not be possible to remove all data, partly for the reasons mentioned above, I do not have control of all the data as third party internet and telephone services will control some of it. I also will also need to keep previous invoicing data for my records.
If you have any queries regarding this data policy or have any questions about how I am storing your data then please get in touch.
Adam Green - 22nd January 2020